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Integrate Retrievals to Assistant

Integrate on Console

  1. Navigate to the Project page then go to the Assistants tab.
  2. Click the 'New Assistant' button to create a new assistant or click the 'Edit' button to update an existing assistant.
  3. Scroll down to the 'Retrievals' section and click the 'Add' button.
  4. Select the retrievals you want to integrate from the drop-down list and click the 'Confirm' button.
  5. Keep clicking the 'Add' button to add more retrievals to the assistant until you are done.
  6. Click the 'Confirm' button to confirm the changes.


You can also integrate collections to existing Assistants by clicking the edit button on the assistant page.

Retrieval Configs

When integrating retrievals to an assistant, you will find a Retreival Configs setting. It contains the following fields:

  1. Method: When retrieval system is fetching related chunks from vector database, it needs a query as input. This field specifies how the query is generated.
    • User Message: The latest user message is used as query.
    • Function Call: The query is generated by the model, and passed to the retrieval system as a function call.
    • Memory: The query is the latest user message together with the context in the chat session.
  2. Top K: The number of chunks to be returned from the retrieval task.
  3. Max Tokens: The maximum number of tokens to be returned from the retrieval task.

retrieval configs