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Create a Collection

This tutorial will guide you through the steps to create a collection for your retrieval system.

Create on Console

It's easy to create a collection using the TaskingAI dashboard. Here are the steps:

  1. Navigate to the Project page then go to the Retrieval tab.
  2. Click the new collection button.
  3. Enter the required information then click the confirm button.

NOTE: Please properly set collection name and description with meaningful texts. This may affect the performance of your retrieval system.

Note that the embedding_model_id is the identifier for the model to generate text embeddings. You can find the model identifier in the Models tab. The capacity is the maximum number of text chunks the collection can hold. Currently, we only support capacity = 1000 for each collection and will soon support more options.


Once a collection is created, you cannot change its embedding_model_id and capacity. Please make sure you have the right settings before creating a collection.

Create a collection