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Retrieve Collections

TaskingAI provides two main methods to retrieve collection information programmatically using the Client SDK: get_collection and list_collections. These methods are useful for accessing specific details about collections or obtaining a list of all available collections, respectively.

Get a Collection

The get_collection method which accepts a collection_id to retrieve a specific collection.

import taskingai

collection = taskingai.retrieval.get_collection(

List Collections

The list_collections function retrieves a list of all collections in the project.

collections = taskingai.retrieval.list_collections(limit=20)
print(f"collections: {collections}")

You can also add pagination to list_collections by specifying the cursor and limit parameters.

collections = taskingai.retrieval.list_collections(

Here are the required parameters for the pagination features:

  • Order: Specify the order of the returned list as ascending (asc) or descending (desc), sorting on the created_timestamp field. It is set to desc by default.
  • Limit: Set a maximum number of entries to return in a single request. The default value is 20.
  • After/Before: Use cursors for pagination, retrieving collections in pages either after or before the specified cursor. Note that you cannot use both after and before simultaneously.