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Alpha Vantage

  • Bundle ID: alpha_vantage

Get the latest and historical information about stocks from Alpha Vantage


To use Alpha Vantage's services, you need to have the following credential information.

Required Credentials:


Get historical stock data

Get historical information about a stock

  • Plugin ID: alpha_vantage/get_historical_stock_data


  • end_date (Optional): The end date of the historical data. Should be in the format of 'YYYY-MM-DD'
  • interval: Select from the following values: daily, weekly, monthly
  • start_date: The start date of the historical data. Should be in the format of 'YYYY-MM-DD'
  • symbol: The symbol of the stock. e.g. AAPL, TSLA, MSFT, etc. For stocks other than US stocks, please use the following format: 'stock_symbol.stock_exchange_symbol'. e.g. 000002.SHZ for code 000002 in Shenzhen Stock Exchange, TSCO.LON for code TSCO in London Stock Exchange, etc.


  • result: The historical information about the stock in json format

Get latest stock data

Get the latest information about a stock

  • Plugin ID: alpha_vantage/get_latest_stock_data


  • symbol: The symbol of the stock. e.g. AAPL, TSLA, MSFT, etc. For stocks other than US stocks, please use the following format: 'stock_symbol.stock_exchange_symbol'. e.g. 000002.SHZ for code 000002 in Shenzhen Stock Exchange, TSCO.LON for code TSCO in London Stock Exchange, etc.


  • result: The latest information about the stock in json format