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Chart Maker

  • Bundle ID: chart_maker

Generate charts from data input


This bundle does not require any credentials.


Make 2D Histogram

Generate a 2D histogram from the given data

  • Plugin ID: chart_maker/make_2d_histogram


  • title (Optional): The title of the chart
  • x_title (Optional): The title of the x-axis
  • x_values: The x values for the data points. Should be the same size of y values.
  • y_title (Optional): The title of the y-axis
  • y_values: The y values for the data points. Should be the same size of x values.


  • url: The URL to the generated chart image

Make Bar Chart

Generate a bar chart from the given data

  • Plugin ID: chart_maker/make_bar_chart


  • title (Optional): The title of the chart
  • x_title (Optional): The title of the x-axis
  • x_values: The x-axis values for the data points. Should be the same size of y values.
  • y_title (Optional): The title of the y-axis
  • y_values: The y-axis values for the data points. Should be the same size of x values.


  • url: The URL to the generated chart image

Make Histogram

Generate a histogram from the given data

  • Plugin ID: chart_maker/make_histogram


  • title (Optional): The title of the chart
  • values: The values for the data points
  • x_title (Optional): The title of the x-axis


  • url: The URL to the generated chart image

Make Line Chart

Generate a line chart from the given data

  • Plugin ID: chart_maker/make_line_chart


  • title (Optional): The title of the chart
  • x_title (Optional): The title of the x-axis
  • x_values: The x-axis values for the data points. Should be the same size of y values.
  • y_title (Optional): The title of the y-axis
  • y_values: The y-axis values for the data points. Should be the same size of x values.


  • url: The URL to the generated chart image

Make Pie Chart

Generate a pie chart from the given data

  • Plugin ID: chart_maker/make_pie_chart


  • labels: The labels for the data points. Should be the same size of values.
  • title (Optional): The title of the chart
  • values: The values for the data points. Should be the same size of labels.


  • url: The URL to the generated chart image

Make Scatter Plot

Generate a scatter plot from the given data

  • Plugin ID: chart_maker/make_scatter_plot


  • title (Optional): The title of the chart
  • x_title (Optional): The title of the x-axis
  • x_values: The x-axis values for the data points. Should be the same size of y values.
  • y_title (Optional): The title of the y-axis
  • y_values: The y-axis values for the data points. Should be the same size of x values.


  • url: The URL to the generated chart image