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Open Weather

  • Bundle ID: open_weather

Weather data and forecasts.


To use Open Weather's services, you need to have the following credential information.

Required Credentials:

  • OPEN_WEATHER_API_KEY: API Key for Open Weather.


Get current weather data

Get current weather data based on latitude and longitude.

  • Plugin ID: open_weather/get_current_weather


  • lat: Latitude of the location.
  • lon: Longitude of the location.


  • feels_like_celsius: current feels_like temperature in Celsius
  • feels_like_fahrenheit: current feels_like temperature in Fahrenheit
  • humidity: current humidity in percentage
  • pressure: current pressure in hPa
  • temperature_celsius: current temperature in Celsius
  • temperature_fahrenheit: current temperature in Fahrenheit
  • timestamp: timestamp of the weather data
  • uvi: current uvi index
  • visibility: current visibility in meters
  • weather_condition: current weather condition

Get daily forecast

Get daily forecast based on latitude and longitude.

  • Plugin ID: open_weather/get_daily_forecast


  • days: The number of days to forecast. Max is 7.
  • lat: Latitude of the location.
  • lon: Longitude of the location.


  • result: result daily forecasts in json string

Get hourly forecast

Get hourly forecast based on latitude and longitude.

  • Plugin ID: open_weather/get_hourly_forecast


  • hours: The number of hours to forecast. Max is 24.
  • lat: Latitude of the location.
  • lon: Longitude of the location.


  • result: result hourly forecasts in json string