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Moonshot AI Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in developing AI technology to enhance work efficiency and life quality through advanced AI assistants and smart solutions.


To use Moonshot models, you need to have the following credential information.

Required credentials:

  • MOONSHOT_API_KEY: Your Moonshot API Key for authentication.

Supported Models

All models provided by Moonshot has the following properties:

  • Function call: Supported
  • Streaming: Supported

All models accept the following extra configs when generating texts:

  • temperature
  • top_p
  • max_tokens
  • stop

Moonshot V1 128K

Model schema id: moonshot/moonshot-v1-128k

Moonshot V1 128K model, has the same features as Moonshot V1 8K, but allows 128k tokens of input and output.


  • Input Token Limit: 129536
  • Output Token Limit: 129536

Moonshot V1 32K

Model schema id: moonshot/moonshot-v1-32k

Moonshot V1 32K model, has the same features as Moonshot V1 8K, but allows 32k tokens of input and output.


  • Input Token Limit: 32384
  • Output Token Limit: 32384

Moonshot V1 8K

Model schema id: moonshot/moonshot-v1-8k

Moonshot V1 8K model, developed by Moonshot AI, excels in NLP with high-resolution understanding, multilingual support, context awareness, security, wide applicability, and continuous learning. It allows 8k tokens of input and output


  • Input Token Limit: 8096
  • Output Token Limit: 8096