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Create Bundles and Plugins

Plugins from the same provider with similar functionalities are be grouped into a bundle.

For example, a weather info provider may provide 3 endpoints: one for getting current weather, another one for getting weather forecast, and another one for getting historical weather data. Each of them are provided as a separate plugin in the weather bundle.

Bundle is the minimum unit for creating plugins, since the credentials required by plugins are provider-level. And plugins from the same bundle share the same credentials.

Create a Bundle on Console

  1. Navigate to the Project page then go to the Tools tab.
  2. Select the Plugins subpage and click the New plugins button.
  3. Find your desired bundle and check its plugins in the bundle list, and click the Next button.
  4. Check the detailed plugins information under that bundle, and click the Next button.
  5. Provide the required credentials for the bundle, and click the Confirm button.
  6. The service will validate the credentials you provided. Once the validation is successful, the bundle will be created.

At TaskingAI, we prioritize user data protection and ensure that our services are developed with the utmost consideration for privacy and ethical standards. All customer data is encrypted at rest (AES-256) and in transit (TLS 1.2+).

Create bundle and plugin

Create bundle and plugin