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TaskingAI API integrates with a variety of Large Language Model (LLM) providers, offering developers access to a diverse suite of state-of-the-art AI models. These models, which are the backbone of your projects, enable you to build powerful AI applications. This document offers a comprehensive overview of the LLM providers and models currently supported by TaskingAI, and it also details the credentials needed to access their services.

Provider and Model List

In the following table, the first column lists provider names and provider_id, while the second column lists model_id. If you are looking for model_schema_id for a certain model, simply join the provider_id and model_id with a "/".

For example, to use the gpt-4 model from openai, you would use openai/gpt-4 as the model_schema_id. Similarly, if you want to use ai21/j2-mid-v1 from AWS Bedrock, you would use aws_bedrock/ai21/j2-mid-v1 as the model_schema_id.

Provider and Model List

In the following table, the first column lists provider names and provider_id, while the second column lists model_id. If you are looking for model_schema_id for a certain model, simply join the provider_id and model_id with a "/".

For example, to use the gpt-4 model from openai, you would use openai/gpt-4 as the model_schema_id. Similarly, if you want to use ai21/j2-mid-v1 from AWS Bedrock, you would use aws_bedrock/ai21/j2-mid-v1 as the model_schema_id.

Chat Completion Models
Embedding Models
claude-2.0, claude-2.1, claude-3-haiku, claude-3-opus, claude-3-sonnet, claude-instant-1.2, wildcardwildcard
AWS Bedrock
ai21/j2-mid-v1, ai21/j2-ultra-v1, amazon/titan-text-express-v1, amazon/titan-text-lite-v1, anthropic/claude-instant-v1, anthropic/claude-v2, anthropic/claude-v2.1, cohere/command-light-text-v14, cohere/command-text-v14, meta/llama2-13b-chat-v1, meta/llama2-70b-chat-v1cohere/embed-english-v3, cohere/embed-multilingual-v3
Azure OpenAI
gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-3.5-turbo-16k, gpt-4, gpt-4-32k, gpt-4-turbo, gpt-4-visiontext-embedding-ada-002
baichuan2-turbo, baichuan2-turbo-192k
Cohere AI
command, command-light, command-light-nightly, command-nightly, command-r, command-r-plusembed-english-light-v2.0, embed-english-light-v3.0, embed-english-v3.0, embed-multilingual-light-v3.0, embed-multilingual-v2.0, embed-multilingual-v3.0
Custom Host
openai-function-call, openai-tool-callsopenai-text-embedding
Google Gemini
gemini-1.5-pro, gemini-pro, gemini-pro-vision, wildcardwildcard
gemma-7b, llama3-70b, llama3-8b, mixtral-8x7b, wildcardwildcard
Hugging Face Inference API (Serverless)
Hugging Face Inference Endpoint (Dedicated)
Jina AI
jina-embeddings-v2-base-code, jina-embeddings-v2-base-de, jina-embeddings-v2-base-en, jina-embeddings-v2-base-zh, jina-embeddings-v2-small-en
Llama API
LM Studio
abab5.5-chat, abab5.5s-chat, abab6-chat, abab6.5-chat, abab6.5s-chat
mistral-large-latest, mistral-medium-latest, mistral-small-latest, open-mistral-7b, open-mixtral-8x22b, open-mixtral-8x7b, wildcardmistral-embed, wildcard
moonshot-v1-128k, moonshot-v1-32k, moonshot-v1-8k
gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-3.5-turbo-16k, gpt-4, gpt-4-turbo, gpt-4-vision, wildcardtext-embedding-3-large-1024, text-embedding-3-large-256, text-embedding-3-small-1536, text-embedding-3-small-512, text-embedding-ada-002, wildcard
Together AI
meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-chat-hf, mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1, mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1, togethercomputer/CodeLlama-34b-Instruct, wildcardwildcard
qwen-max, qwen-max-1201, qwen-max-longcontext, qwen-plus, qwen-turbo
ernie-bot, ernie-bot-4, ernie-bot-8k, ernie-bot-turbo
yi-34b-chat-0205, yi-34b-chat-200k
Zhipu AI
glm-3-turbo, glm-4, glm-4vembedding-2

Credentials required to access models

To access the models provided by the LLM providers through TaskingAI, specific credentials are needed. The following table outlines the required credentials for each provider:

Credentials required to access models

AI21AI21_API_KEY (Required)API key for AI21.
AnthropicANTHROPIC_API_KEY (Required)Your Anthropic API Key for authentication.
ANTHROPIC_API_VERSION (Optional)The version of the Anthropic API being used.
AWS BedrockAWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID (Required)Your AWS Bedrock Access Key ID. It can be found on your security credentials page.
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY (Required)Your AWS Bedrock Secret Access Key. It can be found on your security credentials page.
AWS_REGION (Required)The AWS region where your AWS Bedrock model is hosted.
Azure OpenAIAZURE_OPENAI_RESOURCE_NAME (Required)The name of your Azure OpenAI Resource.
AZURE_OPENAI_DEPLOYMENT_ID (Required)The deployment name you chose when you deployed the model.
AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY (Required)Your Azure OpenAI API Key for authentication.
AZURE_OPENAI_API_VERSION (Optional)(Optional) The Azure API version follows the YYYY-MM-DD format.
BaiChuanBAICHUAN_API_KEY (Required)Your BaiChuan API Key for authentication.
Cohere AICOHERE_API_KEY (Required)Your Cohere API key for authentication.
Custom HostCUSTOM_HOST_ENDPOINT_URL (Required)The url to your model endpoint.
CUSTOM_HOST_MODEL_ID (Required)The model id to use for your endpoint.
CUSTOM_HOST_API_KEY (Required)Your API Key for authentication.
Google GeminiGOOGLE_GEMINI_API_KEY (Required)Your Google Gemini API Key for authentication.
GOOGLE_GEMINI_API_VERSION (Optional)The version of the Google Gemini API being used.
GroqGROQ_API_KEY (Required)Your Groq API Key for authentication.
Hugging Face Inference API (Serverless)HUGGING_FACE_API_KEY (Required)Your Hugging Face API Token for authentication.
Hugging Face Inference Endpoint (Dedicated)HUGGING_FACE_API_KEY (Required)Your Hugging Face API Token for authentication.
HUGGING_INFERENCE_ENDPOINT_URL (Required)Your Hugging Face Inference Endpoint URL.
Jina AIJINA_API_KEY (Required)Your Jina API key for authentication.
Llama APILLAMA_API_API_KEY (Required)Your Llama API Token for authentication
LM StudioLM_STUDIO_HOST (Required)Your LM Studio host URL
LocalAILOCALAI_HOST (Required)Your LocalAI host URL
MinimaxMINIMAX_API_KEY (Required)Your Minimax API Key for authentication.
MistralAIMISTRAL_API_KEY (Required)Your Mistral API Key for authentication.
MoonshotMOONSHOT_API_KEY (Required)Your Moonshot API Key for authentication.
OllamaOLLAMA_HOST (Required)Your Ollama host URL
OpenAIOPENAI_API_KEY (Required)Your OpenAI API Key for authentication.
OPENAI_ORG_ID (Optional)(Optional) Your OpenAI Organization ID, which can be found on your organization settings page.
ReplicateREPLICATE_API_KEY (Required)Your Replicate API Token for authentication.
Together AITOGETHERAI_API_KEY (Required)Your TogetherAI API Key for authentication.
TongyiTONGYI_API_KEY (Required)Your Tongyi API Key for authentication.
ERNIEWENXIN_API_KEY (Required)Your ERNIE Bot API Key for authentication.
WENXIN_SECRET_KEY (Required)Your ERNIE Bot Secret Key for authentication.
YiYI_API_KEY (Required)Your Yi API Key for authentication.
Zhipu AIZHIPU_API_KEY (Required)Your Zhipu API Key for authentication.

All customer data is encrypted at rest with AES-256 and in transit with TLS 1.2.

Ensure that you have the correct credentials configured in your TaskingAI client to successfully connect and interact with the desired LLM provider. Proper credential management is essential for maintaining security and access control when using these AI models.

For detailed instructions on how to obtain and set up these credentials, please refer to the documentation provided by the respective LLM providers from the table above.