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Retrieve Assistants

Get a Specific Assistant

To retrieve information about a specific assistant, the get_assistant method is used. This method is particularly useful when you need details about a single, specific assistant.

import taskingai

assistant = taskingai.assistant.get_assistant(

List Assistants

The list_assistants function retrieves a list of all assistants in the project.

assistants = taskingai.assistant.list_assistants(limit=20)
print("assistants: ", assistants)

assistant_ids = [assistant.assistant_id for assistant in assistants]
print("assistant_ids: ", assistant_ids)

This method lists assistants with options for pagination, which is particularly helpful in managing and navigating through a large number of assistants.

assistants = taskingai.assistant.list_assistants(

Parameters and Usage:

  • limit: Sets the maximum number of assistants to return in the list. This parameter helps in controlling the size of the output, especially in cases where there are numerous assistants.
  • order: Determines the order in which the assistants are listed. It can be either ascending ("asc") or descending ("desc").
  • before/after: A cursor used for pagination. It specifies the point before/after which the next set of assistants should be fetched. This is useful for navigating through the list of assistants in manageable chunks.

The list_assistants method returns a list of Assistant objects, each representing an assistant in your project. This list provides a snapshot of all the assistants, along with their respective details and configurations.