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Update an Assistant

Update with Client SDK

Three specific attributes (name, description, and metadata) are supported for updating a collection. You can use the update_collection method with the collection_id to update a specific collection.

import taskingai

assistant = taskingai.assistant.update_assistant(
name="My New Assistant",
description="This is my new assistant",

Method Parameters and Usage:

  • assistant_id: The unique identifier of the assistant you intend to update.
  • model_id (Optional): The ID of an available chat completion model in your project.
  • name (Optional): A new name for the assistant.
  • description (Optional): A new description that better explains the purpose or functionalities of the assistant.
  • system_prompt_template (Optional): A list of system prompt chunks for defining the assistant's conversational flow and context.
  • memory (Optional): Specifies the memory configuration for the assistant.
  • tools (Optional): A list of tools to enhance the assistant's capabilities.
  • retrievals (Optional): A list of retrieval configurations for the assistant.
  • metadata (Optional): Additional metadata for the assistant. This can store up to 16 key-value pairs, with each key's length being less than 64 characters and each value's length less than 512 characters.

The update_assistant method returns the updated Assistant object. This object reflects the changes made to the assistant, including any new configurations or settings applied during the update process.