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All Organizations are associated with exactly one subscription plan (Free/Pro/Team/Customized). Newly created Organizations are automatically assigned to the Free plan. You can upgrade your subscription plan at any time.

Subscriptions are invoiced and charged on a monthly basis. The billing cycle starts on the day you subscribe to a paid plan.

Upgrading subscription plans: free to paid

Before upgrading to a paid plan, you need to bind a payment method first. For detailed information on how to bind a payment method, please refer to the Payment Methods page.

At any time, you may upgrade from the Free Plan to a paid plan. The billing cycle will start from the day you upgrade your subscription plan.

Upgrading subscription plans: paid to another paid

When upgrading from a paid plan to another paid plan, the billing cycle will not be changed, and the remaining balance will be calculated based on the remaining days of the current billing cycle and discounted from the new plan's price.

The following example will help you understand how the billing works in this situation:

Suppose a client paid $15 for one month of the Pro plan. After 10 days, the client decides to upgrade to the $60 Team plan. The client needs to pay $30.0 based on the following calculation:

  1. The remaining balance of the Pro plan for the unused 20 days: $15 / 30 days * 20 days = $10.0
  2. The amount to be paid for the Team plan for the following 20 days before discount : $60 / 30 days * 20 days = $40.0
  3. The total amount to be paid for the Team plan at this billing cycle: $40.0 - $10.0 = $30.0

After paying that amount, the client will be able to use the Team plan for the remaining 20 days of the billing cycle, and be automatically charged $60 after 20 days for the next billing cycle.


The subscription prices above are just for demonstration. The actual price may vary based on the subscription plan and TaskingAI billing policy

Cancel and downgrade subscription plans

You can cancel your subscription plan at any time. After canceling the subscription plan, your paid level privileges will be kept until the end of the current billing cycle. After the current billing cycle ends, your subscription plan will be downgraded to the Free plan.

Clients cannot downgrade their paid plans to a lower-level plan. But you can cancel your subscription plan first, and re-subscribe to a lower plan after current billing cycle ends.

Subscription plan comparisons

For detailed information about different subscription levels, please refer to the Pricing page.