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MiniMax, founded in December 2021, is a leading general artificial intelligence technology company dedicated to co-creating intelligence with users. MiniMax has independently developed various large-scale models across different modalities, including a trillion-parameter MoE text model, a speech model, and an image model.


To use Minimax models, you need to have the following credential information.

Required credentials:

  • MINIMAX_API_KEY: Your Minimax API Key for authentication.

Supported Models

All models accept the following extra configs when generating texts:

  • temperature
  • top_p
  • max_tokens

ABAB 5.5 Chat

Model schema id: minimax/abab5.5-chat

ABAB 5.5 is a large-scale language model developed by MiniMax. The total tokens limit for input and output is 16,384 tokens. Suitable for productivity scenarios.


  • Function Call: True
  • Streaming: True
  • Input Token Limit: 16384
  • Output Token Limit: 16384

ABAB 5.5s Chat

Model schema id: minimax/abab5.5s-chat

ABAB 5.5s is a smaller version of the ABAB 5.5 model developed by MiniMax. The total tokens limit for input and output is 8,192 tokens. Suitable for character setting.


  • Function Call: False
  • Streaming: True
  • Input Token Limit: 8192
  • Output Token Limit: 8192

ABAB 6 Chat

Model schema id: minimax/abab6-chat

ABAB 6 is a large-scale language model developed by MiniMax. The total tokens limit for input and output is 32,768 tokens. Suitable for more complex formatted text generation.


  • Function Call: True
  • Streaming: True
  • Input Token Limit: 32768
  • Output Token Limit: 32768

ABAB 6.5 Chat

Model schema id: minimax/abab6.5-chat

ABAB 6.5 is a large-scale language model developed by MiniMax. The total tokens limit for input and output is 8,192 tokens. Suitable for more complex formatted text generation.


  • Function Call: True
  • Streaming: True
  • Input Token Limit: 8192
  • Output Token Limit: 8192

ABAB 6.5s Chat

Model schema id: minimax/abab6.5s-chat

ABAB 6.5s is a smaller version of the ABAB 6.5 model developed by MiniMax. The total tokens limit for input and output is 245,760 tokens. Suitable for character setting.


  • Function Call: True
  • Streaming: True
  • Input Token Limit: 245760
  • Output Token Limit: 245760