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To use Tongyi models, you need to have the following credential information. You can get them by signing up at Tongyi.

Required credentials:

  • TONGYI_API_KEY: Your Tongyi API Key for authentication.

Supported Models:

All models provided by Anthropic has the following properties:

  • Function call: Not supported
  • Streaming: Supported

All models accept the following extra configs when generating texts:

  • temperature
  • top_p
  • max_tokens
  • stop
  • top_k

Tongyi Qwen, developed by Alibaba's Damo Academy, leverages natural language understanding and semantic analysis to provide specialized assistance across various domains.

Qwen Max

  • Model schema id: tongyi/qwen-max
  • Input token limit: 6000

Qwen Max-1201

  • Model schema id: tongyi/qwen-max-1201
  • Input token limit: 6000

Qwen Max-longtext

  • Model schema id: tongyi/qwen-max-longtext
  • Input token limit: 28000

Qwen Plus

  • Model schema id: tongyi/qwen-plus
  • Input token limit: 30000

Qwen Turbo

  • Model schema id: tongyi/qwen-turbo
  • Input token limit: 6000